Eyes to my soul...

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

First Lost Tooth!

Almost since the day we got him home, Giovanni has been working on a slightly loose bottom tooth that is in the center of his mouth!  I had told him to make sure and show his Aunt Tami as she LOVES loose teeth (just ask her seven children who all have vivid memories of her merciless yanking of dangling teeth from their mouths!).  So, when she arrived a few weeks ago to visit - the first thing he did was show her his loose tooth.  She checked it out and told him he needed to keep working on it...so, he did.

This morning while eating breakfast with his visiting cousin, Calypso...he was showing her how loose the tooth was and before we knew it there was a little blood around the bottom. When I checked it I realized it was actually just sitting upright between two other teeth...no longer attached.  He was SOOOO excited to see his new hole and to show EVERYONE his tooth (which he carried in a ziplock baggie).  He couldn't wait to show his Dad at lunch and even convinced me to drive to see our dentist, Dr. Alford and his staff to show them!

The concept of a fictional mythical fairy coming into his room tonight might be a little much for him to comprehend...so, we had him just put his tooth under his pillow.  We put a gold coin under his pillow...we'll see what he thinks in the morning!